A feather in your theological cap.
The personal blog of pastor, grammarian, and runner Brent Niedergall
Public Reading of Scripture
Others have written helpful material for the public reading of God's Word in a church service. (I included links to some good ones at the end of this post.) But here is what we came up with so we can hand something short and instructive for those serving in this...
Remembering Farid Ahmad Khpalwak (1989–2020)
On Saturday 26 September 2020 at approximately 8:00 am local time, my good friend Captain Farid Ahmad Khpalwak was killed by insurgents at a Taliban checkpoint in Pul-e Qandahari, Logar Province. His three fellow Afghan National Army soldiers travelling with him on...
Greek New Testament Manuscripts Missing No Longer
The romance of old-fashioned detective work and Tischendorfesque manuscript discoveries has been largely reduced to emails and library searches. On the plus side, this means that almost anyone can jump in and give it a try. Case in point: me. Look at what just arrived...
What Do You Buy Time For?
Did you get everything accomplished this past week that you wanted to accomplish? Do you have deadlines and projects looming over you for the week ahead? We all want more time. We all want to be as productive as possible. And each of us probably approaches the...
Biblical Studies Carnival 175 for September 2020
September is over, biblio-blogging’s still alive. Let’s celebrate with Carnival Number One Seventy-Five. It was September ‘91 that Dr. Suess died, In his memory, this rhyming carnival I tried. Have a ball. Scroll down. Scroll up.Enjoy a blogging...
Why This Choice?
Always chosen last? Dear Abby? Why the poor? A short devotional from Pastor Brent Niedergall as a ministry of Victory Baptist Church in Port Coquitlam, BC. https://youtu.be/moHbb6YRtGc
Sunday Prayer (Psalm 142)
This is the latest in the series of corporate prayers for Sunday worship that I’m writing from the Psalms, working through them in reverse order. Our Merciful Lord, we come before you with praise and petition. We humbly ask that you would hear our pleas and...
The Sovereignty of Ancient Babylonian Gods
You probably don’t think you know much—probably nothing—about the gods of ancient Babylon. But you might know a little more than you think. Remember Mordecai? Esther’s cousin in the book of Esther? And, from the book of Daniel, remember King Nebuchadnezzar? Well,...
Why This Title?
https://youtu.be/eHkmYqIktgU Chocolate Thunder? The Glory? What's going on with this title in the book of James? Here's this week's video (8 minutes long) in an ongoing series for my church and anyone else who wants to watch it.
Good, Not Safe
Towards the beginning of the book of Revelation, there are these seven letters written to seven churches. Seven letters to seven actual churches from John’s day. And one of these churches John writes to is the church of Thyatira. And he says there’s a lot of good...