A feather in your theological cap.

The personal blog of pastor, grammarian, and runner Brent Niedergall

Friday Favorites (03 JAN 20)

Friday Favorites (03 JAN 20)

Findings From Around The Web to Butter Your Grits Mark Ward critiques the response of the Triniarian Bible Society’s handling of five questions on the readability of the King James Version. Read his insights here.  Alex Finkelson has posted Biblical Studies...

Harmonizing with ‘Biblical Inerrancy Eyes’

Harmonizing with ‘Biblical Inerrancy Eyes’

I couldn’t find the quote, but I remember reading somewhere—maybe it was Robert Capon, who said it’s not the actual day of Christmas that’s so enjoyable, but the weeks leading up to it. That’s what most of us truly like about Christmas. We find a large part of our joy...

Top Ten Reads of 2019

Top Ten Reads of 2019

Taking a cue from others, I looked back over the books I read in 2019. These are my top ten by rank. Who knows, you might see a title or two that piques your interest! ONE God’s Battle Plan for the Mind By David W. Saxton How to meditate like a Puritan. TWO Reformed...

Friday Favorites (27 DEC 19)

Friday Favorites (27 DEC 19)

Findings From Around The Web To Butter Your Grits William A. Ross equips Septuagint readers for a productive 2020 by offering some helpful suggestions and tools at Septuagint & C. Peter Gurry dusts off a helpful statement from Bernard Ramm on textual criticism at...

A Theology of Running: Prolegomena

A Theology of Running: Prolegomena

Introduction It was Christmas morning—four o’clock Christmas morning. I woke up, checked the temperature outside, and dressed accordingly for a run. With the temperature in the upper thirties, all you need is shorts, long sleeves, and gloves. My hands seem to get cold...

A. W. Tozer on Christmas

A. W. Tozer on Christmas

Great indeed, we confess, is the mystery of godliness: He was manifested in the flesh, vindicated by the Spirit, seen by angels, proclaimed among the nations, believed on in the world, taken up in glory. -1 Tim. 3:16 (ESV) The birth of Christ was a divine declaration,...

Friday Favorites (20 DEC 19)

Friday Favorites (20 DEC 19)

Findings From Around The Web To Butter Your Grits Stephen Kneale analogizes from soccer to underline the importance of balancing underwork and overwork in the church in When Doing Less May Be Doing More. Chris Fresch talks problems and solutions for biblical language...

Why the Movie is Better than the Book (Sometimes)

Why the Movie is Better than the Book (Sometimes)

The often profound Seth Lewis recently shared a reflective post on why books beat movies (check it out here; he has a way with words). But is this always the case? What would it take for a film to outrank its printed counterpart? I have heard Lord of the Rings fans...

Brent Niedergall