A feather in your theological cap.

The personal blog of pastor, grammarian, and runner Brent Niedergall

Friday Favorites (24 JAN 20)

Friday Favorites (24 JAN 20)

Findings From Around The Web to Butter Your Grits Timothy N. Mitchell at The Textual Mechanic explains how an ancient author could exercise control over a message by tasking their messenger to deliver an oral message along with their letter.  Clint Archer at The...

Book Review: Preaching for a Verdict

Book Review: Preaching for a Verdict

After reading Preaching for a Verdict: Recovering the Role of Exhortation by J. Josh Smith, I have a new criterion for evaluating preaching. Is the preacher urging his hearers to action? On Sunday, I listened to two sermons. This morning, I read over my manuscript for...

Release Announcement: open-cbgm

Release Announcement: open-cbgm

It was only a matter of time until someone reverse engineered the Coherence-Based Genealogical Method. The “black box” is now open and freely available thanks to Joey McCollum. His C++ implementation is open-source, compact, fast, and compliant with established...

Friday Favorites (17 JAN 20)

Friday Favorites (17 JAN 20)

Findings From Around The Web to Butter Your Grits Ever wonder if there’s a better way to learn Greek? Here’s a thread over at B-Greek: The Biblical Greek Forum on the weaknesses of the standard “grammar translation method.”  Who is Melchizedek? Peter Goeman gives...

John: A Canonical Discipleship Manual

John: A Canonical Discipleship Manual

Christians love to talk about discipleship. We know it’s our responsibility, and we have all kinds of programs to do it. As a pastor, I have a shelf of books on the subject. Discipling others is critical. Making disciples is critical. It's the Great Commission. But...

Book Review: A Little Book for New Preachers

Book Review: A Little Book for New Preachers

Like many, I’ve worked a variety of jobs over the years. There was the quintessential paper route, in high school I did odd jobs around a funeral home, and later sold clothing at a retail outlet. In college, I washed cars for two different dealerships. Since then,...

Friday Favorites (10 JAN 20)

Friday Favorites (10 JAN 20)

Findings From Around The Web to Butter Your Grits Greg Ross somehow manages to find the craziest examples of King James Version gematria you’ve ever seen. His most recent deals with the millionth digit of π. And here’s an older one on Shakespeare.  Charlotte...

You and Your Cheer

You and Your Cheer

I like how different states take pride in their own unique regional sodas. In New York, they have Manhattan Special. In Michigan, they drink Vernors Ginger Ale. In North Carolina, we have Cheerwine. If you’ve never heard of Cheerwine before, don’t let the name fool...

Book Review: Reformed Preaching (Part 1)

Book Review: Reformed Preaching (Part 1)

Introduction It may say “Reformed Preaching” in bold letters on the cover, but non-reformed readers shouldn’t let the title of this book scare them away. With a title long enough to make a Puritan proud, Reformed Preaching: Proclaiming God’s Word from the Heart of the...

Brent Niedergall