A feather in your theological cap.
The personal blog of pastor, grammarian, and runner Brent Niedergall
Biblical Studies and Theology Christmas Gift Ideas?
I’ve posted almost thirty book reviews on my blog since launching niedergall.com last year. Based on my recollections, I’ve haphazardly ordered these reviews counting down to my number one favourite. Keep in mind that I requested or bought all of these books so just...
Best Exegetical Tools for NT Greek?
The abundance of tools for studying the New Testament in its original language can be overwhelming. I took my first seminary Greek course in 2014 and have come across many tools since then as a pastor who likes to think he stays abreast of what’s available for...
The Reformed Dogmatics of Vos
Geerhardus Vos was a Dutch theologian who taught in American seminaries for over four decades spanning the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. He’s probably best known for his Biblical Theology, but that’s changing now that his work in systematic theology has been...
My First Year of Blogging
It was just over one year ago that www.niedergall.com launched with its inaugural post: The Simplest Explanation of the Coherence-Based Genealogical Method? My blog’s subtitle “A Feather in Your Theological Cap” gives a sense of my overall theme. I’ll wait for 2021 to...
Family Devotions: Short Enough and Sweet Enough
There’s lots of good material out there on why you should do family devotions. But here’s a short post on how our family is spending time in family worship together. We’ve tried different things in the past, but this is what we’ve settled on lately that really seems...
Do I Really Need a Logos 9 Base Package?
I’m an admitted double-minded waverer when it comes to Bible software. I recognize the convenience, the power, and the cost benefit. But I like the comfort of tangible books. Software feels ephemeral and transitory. Here today, gone tomorrow. You just never know what...
The Curse in the Colophon
Edgar J. Goodspeed was Professor of Biblical and Patristic Greek at the University of Chicago, eventually becoming Chairman of the Department of New Testament and Early Christian Literature. He also wrote a novel back in 1935 entitled The Curse in the Colophon. And...
What Is the Antidote?
Mr. Yuk? Poison and speech? Here's another short devotional from the book of James. https://youtu.be/KWqYOn5dfSk
Linguistics and New Testament Greek
Last year, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary hosted a conference dubbed “Linguistics and New Testament Greek: Key Issues in the Current Debate.” I was there. It was fun. And I was happy to see Baker has released a book with the same name—Linguistics and New...
The Need for Creeds Today
Do you feel the need? The need for creeds? Does the church have such a need? J. V. Fesko effectively says, “You bet it does.” He makes his case over the course of five chapters in what is a useful and fairly short book from Baker Academic—The Need for Creeds Today:...