My First Year of Blogging

by | Nov 30, 2020 | Uncategorized | 1 comment

It was just over one year ago that launched with its inaugural post: The Simplest Explanation of the Coherence-Based Genealogical Method? My blog’s subtitle “A Feather in Your Theological Cap” gives a sense of my overall theme. I’ll wait for 2021 to recap the most popular posts, but here’s a brief reflection on my life as a fledgling blogger along with my top three posts to date far (particularly because my most popular post was from 2019).  

So why do I blog? 


I’m a small fry blogger. None of my posts have ever surpassed 1,000 views. But I love writing and see this as a way to sharpen that skill. I enjoy the privilege of sharing my thoughts on a topic at will. I hope it will encourage and sharpen others. It’s also a nice perk to receive free review copies of books and Bible software. 

Other responsibilities and interests demand my attention so a fair amount of my material trickles from my ministry as a pastor. I’ve found that writing a post related to something I’m preaching on helps me focus the direction of my sermon. Blogging is a fun hobby I wish I could do more of, but that’s true of hobbies in general!

So here are my three posts that received the highest amount of traffic since I’ve started. 


#1: Book Review: Myths and Mistakes in New Testament Textual Criticism

This was my third post ever and it was a review of a book I purchased on my own. Who knew New Testament textual criticism was such a popular topic? 

#2: Puritans, Work, and the Cause of Christ

One morning my traffic was going through the roof (relatively speaking) and I realized it was thanks to Tim Challies including it out of the blue in his “A La Carte.” Only time it’s ever happened. Thanks, Tim!  

#3: Corn and Unicorns: Misleading Mental Representations from the KJV

This post has a special place in my heart since my daughter drew the illustrations. Discussing the intelligibility of the King James Version of the Bible is always something worth discussing. It’s near and dear to my heart and it’s even the direction I’ve embarked on with my culminating DMin project. 


I’ll revisit my thoughts on blogging in January when I follow the example of other bloggers and do a top-ten list of my most popular posts. Thanks for reading. And consider subscribing to receive a notification to your inbox whenever I have a new post

Image Credit: Waldemar Brandt on Unsplash

Brent Niedergall

Pastor, Grammarian, Runner

Brent Niedergall, MDiv, is Chief Editor at Positive Action for Christ in Whitakers, North Carolina. He’s gone to war in Afghanistan, felled towering trees, and parsed Greek verbs.

1 Comment

  1. Derek DeMars

    Keep up the good work! You never know what all God’s doing with it.


    A fellow small-fry blogger

Brent Niedergall