A feather in your theological cap.

The personal blog of pastor, grammarian, and runner Brent Niedergall

“The Knowledge”

“The Knowledge”

The path to driving one of London’s iconic black taxis requires passing what one reporter called "possibly the most difficult test in the world." Would-be cabbies must learn 320 routes and 25,000 streets plus restaurants and landmarks to pass the punishing test called...

Voice and Mood: A Linguistic Approach

Voice and Mood: A Linguistic Approach

Voice and Mood: A Linguistic Approach by David L. Mathewson is the first book out in Baker Academic’s Essentials of Biblical Greek Grammar series edited by Stanley E. Porter. This book covers two important areas of NT Greek study that are often overlooked.  Part 1 is...



Prepositions are words that tell us how one thing in space relates to another. They can be used to explain spatial relations in the physical realm as demonstrated in these three examples: The mime is in Sweden. The book is on the Volkswagen. The pig is under the...



A Book Review If you ever doubt we live in an era of polarization, bellicosity, and vitriol, a quick scroll through what some of the social media posts from the sweetest people in your church might convince you otherwise. Joshua M. McNall’s new book, Perhaps:...

What Is Islam?

What Is Islam?

Don’t stop reading after this next sentence. Christians should believe the worst about Muslims. (Keep reading.) Christians should believe the worst about Muslims in that they—like all who are without Christ—are guilty sinners before God. But that’s not all. Christians...

Biblical Studies and the Internet Archive

Biblical Studies and the Internet Archive

Here's a helpful tip that might help when you're looking for a book. A quick stop at the Internet Archive can save you a trip to the library or money. It might even provide access to a book you can't seem to track down. Last week alone, I was able to consult Gregory...

How Do We Live in a Digital World?

How Do We Live in a Digital World?

A Book Review I picked up my first smartphone last year. It’s a nice convenience, but I don’t feel tied to it. But then again, I owned an iPad for years before I got my phone. And so I check my iPad regularly for emails, blog posts, and Twitter updates. All of us are...

Filled By or Filled With?

Filled By or Filled With?

There’s a chapter in J. Oswald Sanders’ classic book Spiritual Leadership originally called “The Indispensable Requirement,” but later revised to “Above All Else.” According to Sanders, “Spiritual leadership requires Spirit-filled people” (77).  He views it as...

Bad Advertising in Ecclesiastes?

Bad Advertising in Ecclesiastes?

https://youtu.be/bpp3ycMvQd0 That fine feat of advertising sells us on Mentos. Solomon’s story in Ecclesiastes 9:13–15, as a testimonial to the benefit of wisdom, isn't really selling us on wisdom.   I have also seen this example of wisdom under the sun, and it seemed...

Brent Niedergall