A feather in your theological cap.

The personal blog of pastor, grammarian, and runner Brent Niedergall

Book Review: Hebrew for Life

Book Review: Hebrew for Life

Ever heard the one about the two frogs on the farm who inadvertently ended up in a pail half full of milk? The first frog, viewing the situation as hopeless, soon gives up hope and succumbs to a milky grave. The second, refusing to be intimidated, kicks and kicks his...

BDAG vs. Thayer: Battle of the Greek Lexicons

BDAG vs. Thayer: Battle of the Greek Lexicons

In a previous post, I compared the two most widely used Hebrew lexicons, BDB and HALOT. Now, I want to do the same thing for Greek lexicons. The question to answer this time is If I’m using Thayer, should I get BDAG? This may sound like a nonsensical, no-brainer...

BDB vs. HALOT: Battle of the Hebrew Lexicons

BDB vs. HALOT: Battle of the Hebrew Lexicons

I’ve been studying the book of Haggai for a Sunday school series I’m teaching, and I’ve used it as an opportunity to help answer a common question among pastors, If I already have BDB, should I get HALOT? This is a question about Hebrew lexicons. BDB is short for...

Brent Niedergall