A feather in your theological cap.
The personal blog of pastor, grammarian, and runner Brent Niedergall
Bel and the Dragon Reader: Part 9
Series Introduction I’m facilitating an online Koine Greek reading group and we’re working through the short and apocryphal book of Bel and the Dragon. The text we’re using is the Old Greek (OG) version from Henry Barclay Swete’s 1909 edition of The Old Testament in...
Book Review: Hebrew for Life
Ever heard the one about the two frogs on the farm who inadvertently ended up in a pail half full of milk? The first frog, viewing the situation as hopeless, soon gives up hope and succumbs to a milky grave. The second, refusing to be intimidated, kicks and kicks his...
HALOT vs. DCH: Battle of the Hebrew Lexicons—Match 1
Welcome to the series where I pit biblical language lexicon against biblical language lexicon. Accordance Bible Software has kindly sponsored three matches between HALOT and DCH. These acronyms are for the Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament (HALOT) and...
Book Review—Reformation Commentary on Scripture: Joshua, Judges, Ruth
The breadth and depth of commentaries available to us are astounding. There are exegetical, homiletical, pastoral, devotional, textual, and grammatical commentaries. There are commentaries on cultural backgrounds and historical context, not to mention biblical context...
Biblical Studies Carnival 169 Giveaway Winners
Congratulations to the winners of the Biblical Studies Carnival 169 giveaways! Lexham English Septuagint WINNER Ken N. Special thanks to Lexham Press for providing a copy of the new Lexham English Septuagint for this giveaway! Max and Moritz in Biblical Greek WINNERS...
Bel and the Dragon Reader: Part 8
Series Introduction I’m facilitating an online Koine Greek reading group and we’re working through the short and apocryphal book of Bel and the Dragon. The text we’re using is the Old Greek (OG) version from Henry Barclay Swete’s 1909 edition of The Old Testament in...
BDAG vs. Thayer: Battle of the Greek Lexicons
In a previous post, I compared the two most widely used Hebrew lexicons, BDB and HALOT. Now, I want to do the same thing for Greek lexicons. The question to answer this time is If I’m using Thayer, should I get BDAG? This may sound like a nonsensical, no-brainer...
Book Review—Spirits in Bondage: A Cycle of Lyrics
You know all those great books by C. S. Lewis? The Chronicles of Narnia, The Screwtape Letters, The Great Divorce, Mere Christianity, and a bunch more. But what is Spirits in Bondage: A Cycle of Lyrics, other than a generally ignored and forgotten book of poetry by a...
Bel and the Dragon Reader: Part 7
Series Introduction I’m facilitating an online Koine Greek reading group and we’re working through the short and apocryphal book of Bel and the Dragon. The text we’re using is the Old Greek (OG) version from Henry Barclay Swete’s 1909 edition of The Old Testament in...
BDB vs. HALOT: Battle of the Hebrew Lexicons
I’ve been studying the book of Haggai for a Sunday school series I’m teaching, and I’ve used it as an opportunity to help answer a common question among pastors, If I already have BDB, should I get HALOT? This is a question about Hebrew lexicons. BDB is short for...