A feather in your theological cap.

The personal blog of pastor, grammarian, and runner Brent Niedergall

NMF and Textual Criticism

NMF and Textual Criticism

It’s becoming increasingly apparent that the advances of our digital age are making a dramatic impact within the field of New Testament textual criticism. Computer processing can perform analysis that would have previously been impossible. At the same time, this also...

Book Review: The Whole Counsel of God

Book Review: The Whole Counsel of God

Many vocations come with a goal to aim for. A soldier seeks promotion to a certain rank. A UPS driver aspires to enter the “Circle of Honor” for making it 25 years without an accident. A lawyer hopes to make managing partner. And Tim Patrick and Andrew Reid set forth...

Discouragement, BDAG, and Fragment 144

Discouragement, BDAG, and Fragment 144

Lexicons are wonderful tools. BDAG, for instance, is packed with valuable data. Almost every entry contains a string of cryptic abbreviations directing you to where the headword appears outside of the New Testament. Sometimes, especially for words with shorter...

DIOTI Deep-Dive: Part 1

DIOTI Deep-Dive: Part 1

Chris Fresch recently raised an intriguing desideratum during the Amos session of the Cambridge Septuagint Series. Someone needs to analyze the pragmatics of the conjunction διότι. I won’t be the one to produce a clean linguistic analysis, but I would like to record...

Brent Niedergall