A feather in your theological cap.
The personal blog of pastor, grammarian, and runner Brent Niedergall
Battle of the Lexicons: Septuagint Edition
It’s that time again—time for another battle of the lexicons! There I was reading about David dancing before the Lord over the return of the ark, and I gave the Septuagint (LXX) a gander. And, lo and behold, there’s something a little different going on there. And...
Dancing David and C. S. Lewis
What gets you excited? I have to admit I don’t get excited about sports. As far as outward expressions of excitement over anything goes, I might smile or occasionally clap to fit in with everyone else. But do you remember how excited King David was when they were...
Are You Deceived?
Who Blames God?
Sunday Prayer (Psalm 147)
This is the latest in the series of corporate prayers for Sunday worship that I'm writing from the Psalms, working through them in reverse order. Lord, thank you for the privilege to gather today and do what is good, and pleasant, and fitting—and that is to give you...
Book Review—Exegetical Guide to the Greek New Testament: Mark
The average exegete’s array of tools and equipment includes the Greek text, grammars, lexicons, and commentaries. Joel F. Williams has written Exegetical Guide to the Greek New Testament: Mark to help the exegete bridge those gaps that appear between Greek text and...
Puritans, Work, and the Cause of Christ
I struggle sometimes to get a lot from the Puritans. They wrote centuries ago when the English language was very different than from how we speak and write today. But that doesn't I mean I don't enjoy a good Puritan quote! And the Puritans had a lot to say about work....
What Is This Crown of Life?
Book Review: The Greek of the Pentateuch
The Septuagint reminds me of the Zarephath widow's jar of flour and jug of oil. It’s an inexhaustible source of benefit to its owner. And it would be wrong to restrict its study and use to the academy. Pastors can and should use the Septuagint in their exegesis. And...
Paradox in James 1:9–10