A feather in your theological cap.

The personal blog of pastor, grammarian, and runner Brent Niedergall

What Should I Read on Discourse Analysis?

What Should I Read on Discourse Analysis?

If you saw my previous post, “What Should I Read on New Testament Textual Criticism?”, you know what to expect here. This time the subject is discourse analysis (DA) and particularly for its use in NT exegesis. These are my categorized recommendations according to the...

Why All This Law?

Why All This Law?

In this Christmas edition, I ask if James is beating a dead horse. Lots of law. Lots of Hershey's Kisses. https://youtu.be/pxD_V6Y_FnA

2021 Biblical Studies and Theology Challenge

2021 Biblical Studies and Theology Challenge

Are you more of a Westcott or a Hort? We know Hort had a thirst for bold ambitions and undertakings while Westcott was more of a realist. (Check out Peter Gurry’s excellent treatment of their collaboration here in pre-pub form.)  I’m an unabashed member of Team Hort....

Serendipity for Singing, Not Sinning

Serendipity for Singing, Not Sinning

Christmas is the only holiday you never want to arrive because that means Christmas is going to end. What makes the Christmas season so enjoyable is the season itself and the anticipation. So we’ll take down the lights. We’ll pack away the decorations. And eventually,...

Bottom of the Barrel

Bottom of the Barrel

Bloggers often recap their most popular posts of the year, but what about the least popular? These are my five posts since Niedergall.com launched in late 2019 that received the least amount of traffic (excluding content like videos and Sunday Prayers). Number Five...

Is Laughter Wrong?

Is Laughter Wrong?

Watch me do bad etymology as I trace our English word Jell-O back to the Greek word γέλως to figure out whether James wants us to laugh or not. https://youtu.be/iIjqhP9sPio

O Little Town of Bethlehem

O Little Town of Bethlehem

A visit to Bethlehem by famed Boston preacher Phillips Brooks inspired him to write a carol for a Christmas Sunday school service. And folks in 1868 sang this carol, “O Little Town of Bethlehem,” for the very first time. This beloved song draws attention to the...

Brent Niedergall