Bottom of the Barrel

by | Dec 18, 2020 | Uncategorized | 2 comments

Bloggers often recap their most popular posts of the year, but what about the least popular? These are my five posts since launched in late 2019 that received the least amount of traffic (excluding content like videos and Sunday Prayers).

Number Five

Facing Death with Bergman

Here I shared some theological reflections after watching Ingmar Bergman’s The Seventh Seal for the first time.

Christians know the answers to the knight’s questions. There is a God. God is present. He has spoken in natural and supernatural revelation. Eternity follows life. But what about meaning, satisfaction, and fulfillment in this life?

Number Four

Two Spheres

This was a devotional piece on blessing and cursing in the Bible. Avoid the “Valley of Interference” when you can, but avoid the “Sphere of Disaster” at all costs.

Number Three

A. W. Tozer on Christmas

I just typed out something from A. W. Tozer because it resonated with me.

Had men not been lost no Savior would have been required. Had they been abandoned no Savior would have come.

Number Two

A screen capture that says "2020 Reading Challenge."

Consider a Reading Challenge

These were my picks for the 2020 Christian Reading Challenge from Tim Challies. (He recently posted one for 2021.) And, wow. I did a terrible job of carrying out my plan. Out of my thirteen picks, I can check off two as complete. Two others remain works in progress that will not be completed this year. That’s okay with me. I would always love to read more, but I’m happy with what I was able to read this year.

Number One

A Treatise Theological Containing Some Few Discourses on the topic of Running

A Theology of Running: Prolegomena  

Does running have anything to do with theology? Sure. Although considering a theology of running might be up there with a theology of sleep. It’s not a weighty topic in anyone’s mind, and there has been very little written or preached on the subject. What questions would even be worth considering at the intersection of running and theology?

This is the first and only instalment in a planned series. And it’s one I’d like to eventually continue. Maybe next year!


What else would you like me to write about? Please let me know if you have any ideas you would like to see me write on here. Posts on the biblical languages seem to be ever popular and I plan to write more of these. But is there anything else? Thanks for reading and consider subscribing to receive my posts to your inbox.



Featured Image Photo by Jeff Finley on Unsplash

Brent Niedergall

Pastor, Grammarian, Runner

Brent Niedergall, MDiv, is Chief Editor at Positive Action for Christ in Whitakers, North Carolina. He’s gone to war in Afghanistan, felled towering trees, and parsed Greek verbs.


  1. Steve

    LOL love your humility Brent. I wonder how this post will stack up in next year’s Bottom of the Barrel list 🙂

    • Brent Niedergall

      Thanks for reading, Steve!

Brent Niedergall