A feather in your theological cap.
The personal blog of pastor, grammarian, and runner Brent Niedergall
The Book of Enoch for Beginners
A Book Review Phil Long’s The Book of Enoch for Beginners: A Guide to Expand Your Understanding of the Biblical World is a clear and compact introduction to 1 Enoch, a Jewish apocalyptic work composed “as early as the third century BCE in Judea” (3). According to the...
Postclassical Greek Prepositions and Conceptual Metaphor
A Book Review William A. Ross and Steven E. Runge, eds., Postclassical Greek Prepositions and Conceptual Metaphor: Cognitive Semantic Analysis and Biblical Interpretation, Fontes et Subsidia ad Bibliam pertinentes 12 (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2022). Introduction This book...
Wet Bread in Ecclesiastes
I've spent the last year writing a verse-by-verse devotional on the Book of Ecclesiastes. Below, I've shared the original version of a devotion that was later shortened to fit on a single page. "Cast your bread upon the waters, "the Book of Ecclesiastes advises us,...
Jesus and the Forces of Death
A Book Review Jesus and the Forces of Death by Matthew Thiessen is unquestionably the most exciting book about skin disease and bodily discharge you will ever read. In this book, Thiessen addresses the popular misconception that Jesus opposed the observance of the...
A Journey through the World of Leviticus
Book Review Mark Scarlata’s A Journey through the World of Leviticus: Holiness, Sacrifice, and the Rock Badger is a compact guide to some core principles for understanding the Book of Leviticus. He addresses important themes like holiness, sacrifice, and purity that...
An Explorer’s Guide to John Calvin
A Book Review Yudha Thianto’s An Explorer’s Guide to John Calvin is a satisfying survey of John Calvin’s life and theology. It’s a well-balanced blend of biography and historical theology that's easy to read and understand. The author, Yudah Thianto, is professor of...
Take up and listen
My posting frequency has been rather low lately, but there are some book reviews and others posts in the works. In this post, I'm just sharing three podcast recommendations. OnScript I've been listening to OnScript for years, now. Intelligent hosts interview scholars,...
Amos: A Handbook on the Greek Text
A Book Review Amos: A Handbook on the Greek Text by W. Edward Glenny is the second release in the Baylor Handbook on the Septuagint Series (BHLXX). Glenny is an accomplished Septuagint scholar who has authored four volumes in Brill’s “Septuagint Commentary Series”...
How Can I Learn More about New Testament Coins?
My interest in the coins found in the New Testament was first piqued by reading Michael P. Theophilos's Numismatics and Greek Lexicography for review (available at Reading Religion. I recently wrote a 5-lesson study on NT coins and discipleship called Uncommon...
Epigraphs and Coinage
I wrote a 5-lesson study on discipleship and coinage in the Gospels called Uncommon Currency. One of the many enjoyable aspects of production was choosing epigraphs for each of the five lessons. Each epigraph is a short quotation from a beloved early-church figure....