A feather in your theological cap.

The personal blog of pastor, grammarian, and runner Brent Niedergall

Sunday Prayer (Psalm 148)

Sunday Prayer (Psalm 148)

We praise you, our excellent Lord, with joy in our hearts. We join the heavenly heights in issuing your praise.  You are the God who must be praised.  The sun, moon, and shining stars are even commanded to praise you.  How can we not recognize, confirm, and...

Discovering Hope

Discovering Hope

Discovering Hope: Exploring the Good News of Jesus Christ By Micah ColbertIllustrated by Andrew Kilcup  Evangelistic Bible studies are legion. They’re widely available. But have you ever used one with someone before? Have you ever met regularly with someone to show...

Sunday Prayer (Psalm 149)

Sunday Prayer (Psalm 149)

Each Sunday, like most churches, we include corporate prayer as an important component of our worship service. I thought I would start sharing the ones I prepare for each week. The current plan is to just work backwards through the Psalms and adapting them to a...

Need a CBGM Crash Course?

Need a CBGM Crash Course?

If you’re familiar with New Testament textual criticism, you’re well aware that the Coherence-Based Genealogical Method is touted to be about as easy to grasp as the Voynich manuscript or Kryptos sculpture. Joey McCollum has done us all a kind service by explaining...

Book Review: An Introduction to Biblical Greek

Book Review: An Introduction to Biblical Greek

There’s something different about this one. John D. Schwandt’s An Introduction to Biblical Greek: A Grammar with Exercises is different from pretty much every other grammar I’ve ever seen before. Schwandt tells hopeful students they must learn to read and write in...

Brent Niedergall