Biblical Studies Carnival 194 for April 2022

by | May 1, 2022 | Biblical Studies Carnival | 2 comments

Welcome to the Biblical Studies Carnival! Although this edition covers April 2022, the theme is Star Wars since May 4th (Star Wars Day) is almost upon us. If you’re tempted to complain that it’s light on links, you can still enjoy the density of decent memes. Join Darth Vader, Peter Gentry, Claude Mariottini, Mike Vlach, Yoda, Jim West, Princess Leia, and more for a spectacular Star Wars Biblical Studies Carnival!

Old Testament

We celebrated Easter last month. Fittingly, over at Text & Canon, Peter Gentry posted this article on Isaiah 53:9.

BBC News reported that a farmer in Gaza found a 4,500-year-old statue of a Canaanite goddess.

I don’t think I knew that Mike Vlach even had a blog until now. But he does! And he’s been posting off and on for years. Here’s a new post of his called “Genesis 1 and the Roots of Premillennialism.”

Claude Mariottini lists books mentioned in the OT that have not survived in his post, Books I Would Like to Read. He also present a rebuttal to a New York Times essay with his own essay entitled “Killing the God of Passover.”

Exhibit A: Evidence that Star Wars is biblical

Over at The Olive Branch, Jim Eisenbraun interacts with another author’s treatment of the Naaman story in 2 Kings 5.


We may not have a clue where Noah’s Ark is, but archaeologists found something kind of close to Utnapishtim’s boat! Find out more from Nathan Steinmeyer over at Bible History Daily.



Bob MacDonald, avid OT blogger, reflects on 12 years of posting in Looking back 12 years.

Exhibit B: Evidence that Star Wars is biblical.


Chip Hardy shared on Twitter how The Development of Biblical Hebrew Prepositions is available open access and in print. Free download here!


Philip Boyes shared The Social Context of Writing in Ancient Ugarit over at Hedwig Schmalzgruber also shared When ‘Dumb’ Beasts Raise Their Voices: Speaking Animals in Ancient Graeco-Roman and Near Eastern Literature.


Dumb beast?

New Testament

Tommy Wasserman reports the happy news of a loose leaf now reunited with its lectionary. You should read Donation of a Manuscript Leaf (L1663) to the Goodspeed Collection.

Phil Long wrote an insightful post noting a “remarkable parallel” between Jesus’ quotation of Psalm 118:22 and the Aramaic Targum. Check out Who Is the Stone the Builders Rejected? Matthew 21:40–45.

(HT: Gary Manning)

Timothy Mitchell, the Textual Mechanic, looked at what Ignatius and Polycarp thought about Pauline authorship of 1 and 2 Timothy. You can read it here. He also did an interview on textual criticism, inspiration, and inerrancy that you can watch here.


Steve Runge tells us why we should slow down whenever we run into a conditional clause. Check out Placement is Everything; Greek Conditional Clauses at the Logos Academic Blog.


If you have a pile of Imperial Credits burning a hole in your pocket, John A. L. Lee has a new book coming out with Peeters called Collected Essays on the Greek Bible and Greek Lexicography. (HT: Andrew Keenan)


In other book news, Rick Brannan’s recent book, Fragments of Christianity, is now available on Logos! (Or, you can order it in paperback here.)

Will Ross shared how he and Steve Runge have a book on Greek prepositions coming out in November called Postclassical Greek Prepositions and Conceptual Metaphor: Cognitive Semantic Analysis and Biblical Interpretation. Find out more here.



Jim West, in this unusually long post, gives us another reason to love Melanchthon. (Note: That is not Jim West in the picture above. Nor is that Jim West in the picture below. )

Rabbi Tuly Weisz, writing for the Jerusalem Post, makes his case for a third temple.


Book Reviews: Bible Translation Edition 

Mark Ward makes videos on Bible translation. This one—part of a series on the Passion Translation—came out March 31. Technically not in April, but I wanted to make this meme below.


Speaking of Bible translations, Ben Witherington posted Recently Revised Translations (that do not have the name King James in their titles).

Daniel Silliman from Christianity Today also wrote on the New NRSV in this article: Levites, Whores, and Demoniacs: Here’s How the New NRSV Has Changed.


Thanks for visiting this edition of the Biblical Studies Carnival! If you are a blogger, please consider hosting one of these to boost your traffic, share what you like, and have some fun. Phil Long (@plong42 on Twitter) is looking for bloggers to host upcoming carnivals. There’s only one more volunteer slotted for this year. Don’t let the Biblical Studies Carnival die like Greedo. (Han shot first!) Give hosting a try. You can email him at [email protected].

Bob Macdonald will host Carnival #195 (May 2022). His website is Consider sending him posts and articles you read or write this month, and maybe he’ll include them.

Thanks for reading. May your original texts and lexicons always be with you!



Brent Niedergall

Pastor, Grammarian, Runner

Brent Niedergall, MDiv, is Chief Editor at Positive Action for Christ in Whitakers, North Carolina. He’s gone to war in Afghanistan, felled towering trees, and parsed Greek verbs.


  1. Jim West

    Nice job!

    • Brent Niedergall

      Thanks, Jim!!

Brent Niedergall